
Swagan Business Solutions


It is not enough to only supply your customers with the latest and greatest service in today’s hectic, high-demand environment. Customers want to be able to access their business at any time and on any device. If they don’t, they’ll be able to beat you in your competition. This is why our customer care representatives are constantly available, polite, knowledgable, and well trained to assist you with your success. Swagan Business offers the most dependable and personalised  outsourcing services to match the specific requirements of your business. We also have experience with inbound and outbound call centres, customer service, telemarketing services, medical form filling projects, offline and online data entry projects, lead creation, and technical and helpdesk assistance

BPO Services

We offer many services to progress!

Why choose us

There are many companies but why choose us

It is not enough to only supply your customers with the latest and greatest service in today’s hectic, high-demand environment

Innovative & Creative Approach

All of our services use a lateral approach, with inventive and creative thinking.

Focused & Dedicated Services

Our Support Team works 24/7 to solve the complex business tasks of our customers.

Client Oriented & Expertise

When dealing with business challenges, we prioritise our clients' needs and meet them.

Risk Reduction & Cost Minimization

We aim to reduce all risks while minimising your call centre spending.

Quality & Consistency

Quality, Reliable results and ensures optimum solutions every time.

Get in touch

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’re glad to discuss your organisation’s situation. So please contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our head office address:

Swagan , Plot No. 293 Perfect Plaza NIMA, Ambad Link Rd, near ITI, Khutawad Nagar, Nashik, Maharashtra 422009

Call for help:

099702 77776

Mail us for information
